Get your workout in the bag - 3 moves with the PBX bag

With Physical Company, you’ve got your workout in the bag – literally with its new PBX bags. Containing built-in Near Field Communication (NFC) technology, you can hold your phone over the tag to reveal an exclusive online library of exercises. Ranging from 5kg to 35kg and with three different handle variations, the PBX bags have ultra-durable casing in strong, synthetic leather and an internal webbing cage to reinforce the external handles and seams.  The NFC tag will reveal plenty of great exercises: here are three to whet your appetite.


Around the World

With your feet shoulder-width apart, reach down and grab the loose handles of the PBX Bag bringing it up to knee height.

Hold the PBX bag in-front of you, with your core engaged and knees slightly bent. Rotate the bag over your left shoulder bending both elbows and complete a full circle around your head, bringing the bag to the starting position in a continuous motion then repeat.  Stop then continue on the alternate side.

Lateral Drag

Crouched next to the PBX Bag, with its tight handles facing upwards, manoeuvre yourself into a plank position with the bag off to the side. Engage the core and grab the PBX bag with the opposite hand. Drag it underneath your body to the other side.  Return the bag to its original position by repeating the move with the alternate hand.

Suitcase Carry Lunge

Stand side-on to the PBX Bag with the central suitcase handle facing upwards. Reach down and lift the bag to waist height.  Move into a split stance position with your left leg forward and right leg back, aligning your legs with your hips. Lower yourself down keeping chest back, shoulders down and glutes engaged.  Return to the starting position. Repeat the move with your right leg forward and left leg back.