Placing an order has never been simpler.
After finding the product(s) you wish to buy, add it to your basket and continue the secure checkout process to make payment.
While we work tirelessly to have your order picked, packed and on its way to you as soon as possible, you have 12 hours from placing an order to add, change or even cancel your order. If your order was placed on Next Day Delivery and it is not after the 12 o’clock cut off period you will be able to add to, change or cancel your order. Please contact one of our customer representatives on 01494 769 222 or email with your order amendments
Yes we do. The pricing of installation depends on which piece of equipment is to be installed, the weight of the equipment and the location of your facility. Please email or call us on 01494 769222.
Below is the list of payment methods we accept: - Debit Cards - Visa - MasterCard - We also accept PayPal. There is the opportunity to purchase items on finance. To speak to someone regarding finance options, contact one of our customer representatives on 01494 769 222 or email
If you are having trouble completing your order with your credit card or unable to use the credit card payment option, your card details may not be accepted for a series of reasons:
Double check that the digits you are typing in are correct.
Ensure that the card address we have for you is the address where the card is registered to. Please ensure the billing address you have registered with us is the same as the address where the card registered with your bank.
If you card is registered with 3D secure then you'll need to enter the correct password, if you do not know this password then you can follow the simple steps on screen to reset your password and continue.
If you are still unable to pay for your item online, please call our sales team on 01494 769 222.
A VAT Invoice will be issued to you once your order has been completely shipped. This will come via email if we have a valid email address for you, or as a printed invoice sent with your order. If you need a copy of your invoice please contact one of our customer service representatives on 01494 769 22 or by emailing
To receive a quote for your order, please contact one of our customer service representatives on 01494 769 222 or email They will be able to compile your potential order and have a quote sent to an email address of your choice.
It has never been safer to order online.
To ensure your details are secure, we have invested in one of the most protective ordering systems available, and continue to use and improve on the latest technologies to ensure your information is safe.
Our Installation Service includes the delivery and installation of the piece of equpiment into the required location as well as the removal of all packaging.
The cost of delivery and install depends on which piece of equipment is to be installed, the weight of the equipment and the location of your facility. Please contact our Customer Service department on or call us on 01494 769222 for a quotation.